Lit Crawl Ping-Pong
Gravel & Gold is will be serving as a Phase 3 (8:30-9:30) destination during the Litcrawl this coming Saturday night, October 17th. This is the tenth annual Litquake festival on record and incredible readings and events have been going on all week throughout the city. The crawl on Saturday will the culmination of all the literary happenings, with folks dashing between events at various Mission District locations until they settle at our house for their final face to face encounter with literary awesomeness.
Given all this ping-ponging about the neighborhood, we thought it only right to partner with the Henry Miller Library to present group of poets and writers from the Ping-Pong journal of art and literature. In just one short hour, you'll hear from the likes of James Maughn, Dan Linehan, Kimberly Jean Smith, Charlie Anders, and Maria Garcia Teutsch, the Editor-in-Chief of Ping-Pong.
We're really looking forward to participating in this landmark year of Litquake magic and look forward to seeing you Saturday night!