Let's Talk About BIRTH!
Want to know the basics about childbirth?! Even if you don't want a child right now. Want to impress friends and relatives with your knowledge of fancy words like effacement and physiologic pushing?! Even if you've never said an 11-letter word out loud in your life.
Well, then come to Gravel & Gold to learn about birth with our resident midwife, Nile. In this, our second Sex Ed class, we will be covering the basic mechanism of the birth process and reviewing the basic stages and what they might look like. Nile will bring birth videos guaranteed to blow your mind and you just bring questions and curiosity.
This class is open to ALL, but we highly encourage the men-folk and those who are not yet pregnant. It's way better to begin learning about birth before you are on that pregnant path, though anytime is a good time to talk about the wonderful, the joyous, the juicy CHILDBIRTH.
Class will be held at Gravel & Gold on Wednesday, December 15th from 6:30 to 8 pm. Beers and diagrams and awkward role playing will be sure to entertain.