Gypsy Rose

Gypsy Rose


    The authentic Hippie Resource since 1987

    Organized co-ops in Ecuador and in Nepal hand make most of Gypsy Rose’s wool & crochet products. The co-op in Ecuador is a combination of multiple villages who have come together and successfully created a grass roots cottage industry. Wool is divided among the families who will then make the products in their own home. The income that they receive helps them live a sustainable lifestyle in a difficult economy.  

    The co-op in Nepal is a women’s shelter in a remote mountain village. The shelter houses women and their children who, for different reasons, are without a husband. Offering a sanctuary in an area with limited opportunity the shelter provides a home, community, food, and income through work for these women. The opportunity to provide you with these products not only allows unique groups of artisans to continue their art and spirit but also helps to support a sustainable community. We are proud to support these co-ops and hope to keep expanding the product line that they produce.

    2 products

    2 products