Modern Witches Confluence

Modern Witches Confluence

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We will be vending at the Modern Witches Confluence! 

The Modern Witches Confluence is creating a sacred container for those witch-curious, witch-identifying, and magically minded. Join us for a full day of connecting in real life with your magical community. Seekers, herbalists, hedge-witches, psychics, brujas, and healers are all encouraged to gather, share, and create, as we celebrate the thinning of the veil. The day will include casting of the circle, a magical keynote address, workshops from renowned teachers, and our Magical Marketplace, which is free entry and open to the public.

San Francisco has a rich history of spirituality and activism, and the robust and growing spiritual community in San Francisco has been in need of more organized opportunities to collaborate and evolve together. Not only will the Modern Witches Confluence promote community and education, but it will actively support spiritual entrepreneurs through sponsorship collaboration, and our Marketplace.

We are not selling tickets but you can buy them and learn more about the event details HERE . Hope to see you there!