A Room of One's Own
Lana K. Nichols is nothing if not generous she'll lend you an ear, her Nepalese eyeliner, she'll even set you up with her wizard ex-boyfriend. But what does Lana want, what does she need??? Through paintings and animation she strives to strike a balance between union within one's own self, and the union formed through a perfect meshing of friendships/lovers.
Her exhibition at G&G will explore both the importance of creating, a room of one's own? as well as the collective function of something that is only complete when two or more are gathered. Her female figures become yogic or carved in multicolored stone; they are divine in their dances, aqueous gatherings and sexual stillness. Pets, mommies, and boyfriends will also shine.
Lana will be moving into both her own room and the G&G gallery this Friday, February 28th, and invites you to a celebratory night of the moving ladies, still lifes, and precious doggies.