Stewart Brand
Stewart Brand founded the indispensable Whole Earth Catalog back in 1968, pranked around with the Merry Pranksters, formed one of the first online communities, The WELL, and exists now aboard a houseboat as the perfect Sausalitoan. Observe his profile in this weekend's Green Brain issue of the NYT magazine:
Job description: I design stuff; I start stuff; I found stuff. On the passport I put “writer.”
Exercise routine: I hike Mount Tamalpais.
Evening routine: My wife, Ryan Phelan, and I tend to go to restaurants or throw together a dinner around 9 p.m. I’ll read a novel or a comic. We’ll take a bath together and be in bed by 11:30.
Further nuggets available here: On the Waterfront
Aboard his tugboat, the Mirene.
My copy of The Last Whole Earth Catalog, June 1971. This issue contains, among other treasures, "Divine Right's Trip" by Gurney Norman, which won the National Book Award in 1972. But in fact a few Catalogs were issued thereafter.
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