Free Box Finds: El Traje Indigena En Mexico
Sometimes the Free Box giveth such crazy-making gems that you have to pause to wonder whether it's really right for you to taketh free of cost. I mean, of course every item there is deposited with the hope that it can live a new life in the care of a body who will love it again, especially if they donate a giveth themselves in happy exchange. But really! This gem for free? Really.
For example, a while back Lisa reeled in this incredible folio on indigenous dress styles of Mexico, complete with illustrations, stitchery charts, and full exposition. Oh really! It was produced by the Mexican Instituto Nacional de Anthropolgia e Historia in 1968. I believe we have the complete folio.
There's so much to like here, beginning with the outfits themselves and the colors in which they've been rendered. The ladies looks so lovely and special, so reasonable and capable. Also, I personally connect with the illustrator's decision to get super accurate with the textile patterns and the jewelry, but then totally deny basic components of the anatomy such as zee noses and zee toes, and the hands wherever possible. Why, that's exactly how I draw!
And now for some of those patterns I promised you....
And there are a whole lot more where these come from. 'Twas very difficult to select just a few to share.

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