Feast Your Eyes Here
Two scorskies from the on your honor sliding scale bookshop in town—$1 for a good book, up to $5 for a self-determined really, really good book.
The Well Wrought Urn is a terrific book of poetic criticism by Cleanth Brooks with a terrific cover to live up to, designed by Paul Rand. My particular copy also features an additional design element from the previous owner on the lower right hand side that obscures Mr. Rand's signature, but in an adoring fashion.
With the dawning of this new year, I've been having a lot of conversations about the longing for mentorship and good models. And here she is—maybe? The little I know of Dame Edith is that she was a poet, a salon mistress, constant turban wearer and jewelry stacker, never married, 6 feet tall....and I can't wait to learn more! Plus, Taken Care Of boasts another cover with a big pedigree, featuring quite a photograph by Cecil Beaton—who could resist this level of all-knowing bling? What a pleasure!
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