Dream Sneaks
I went to New York.
I purchased my dream sneakers—high-top Nike Dunks in the Wiltshire Berry Liberty print. Behold, on the right (though I changed out the laces to the red ones provided):
If you come by the shop, you will see me wearing these sneakers. If you visit me at home, you will see me wearing these sneakers. Say I'm taking a nap under a blanket, I'll be wearing these sneakers. Taking a bubble bath, they'll be hanging over the side but I'll still have these sneakers on, damn it. Most likely, if you see these sneakers walking down the sidewalk anywhere in the foggy friendly city of San Francisco, trace your eyes up and you will see that they are attached to me.
I got them at the insipidly intimidating/irresistible trend den Opening Ceremony. They have a similar outpost in Los Angeles that you may have visited, and you can read more about them here. When I looked them up, I found that they have read deep down into the deepest footwear desire of Nile's soul and will soon be offering these dreamboats (she will have the gold ones, of course):
Put away the goldification spray paint, you're covered Ni!
Like so many other tacky-but-we-can't-help-ourselves situations going down this summer, these beauties honor the Olympics, and will be available exclusively at the Opening Ceremony shops as of 08.08.08. I suggest you jog yourself down there before Nile buys them all out.

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