Mo' Pie, Pitty Pie Pie Pie Please
In an attempt to smother my dismay about Leif leaving for Austin all too soon, I've lately taken to (over) indulging in some of his favorite things while he's still around so that I might pick up some of his delectable vices before he's gone. And so: Pie. Pie as frequently as possible.
Today the Sutros boys—including Pete—and I hit up the newly expanded Mission Pie for some sweet lunch following our savory lunch across the street. And man, their new place looks great. They've taken over the whole corner of Mission and 25th, boxed one side in with floor to ceiling windows and installed some fantastically beat-up chandeliers for oodles of light, painted the walls a warm golden yellow, lined up some long farm tables and served up some better-than-ever peach and olallieberry pie. Delicious!
Of course, Mission Pie has been up to good stuff for a while now. The bakery is an extension of Pie Ranch, a non-profit educational farm down around Pescadero that works with urban school groups to produce everything necessary for perfect pie: wheat for the crust, berries for the filling, bees for you-know-what, goats for milk and chickens for zee eggies. Then, here in the city, the bakery employs Mission High students to help serve up their mouth watering pies, driving home the fresh from the land to the table connection. It's such an inspiring project, and so excellent to see it growing bigger and better.
And so, next time lunchtime rolls around, ask yourself: WWLeifD? Eat more Mission Pie!

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