SuperVictorious Victory Garden Hooray
Make no mistake: That burst of curiosity and enthusiasm you felt rippling through our great foggy/firey city last week was none other than Nile's brother Jackson and his collaborator-friend Andrew of SuperForest renown, combined with Lisa's safe return home from a long journey East.
As ever, Team SuperForest managed to combine good times with reporting on good efforts toward improving our environment. They've written up a fantastic blog post about the very very exciting edible/ornamental Victory Garden installation presently underway downtown in front of City Hall. The Victory Garden project was originally conceived by San Francisco artist Amy Franceschini, who has every intention of planting at least 15 urban organic food gardens in San Francisco this year in addition to the crown Civic Center jewel, co-sponsored by Slow Food Nation. In no time, no doubt, the hard work of transitioning "backyard, front yard, window boxes, rooftops and unused land into organic food production areas" will yield a bounty of delicious food and a more sustainable urban community for us all.
The quarter-acre "Living Quilt" garden installation downtown will be up through September. For more information on how to get involved with the project, check out the Victory Gardens 2008+ home turf.
Can't wait to see you all tonight at the shop. Merry Bastille Day!
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