And a Good Day to You, Sir
So, friends, as many of you are aware, the Ladies of Gravel & Gold are each fierce multi-armed beasts. Aside from our stringent duties at the shop—manning the desk, attending flea markets, seeing to glamorous international buying sprees and chardonnay-fueled deckside planning sessions—each of us also pursue interests other than the shop. Lisa is an accomplished filmmaker, presently at work on The Snockumentary, Nile is a certified doula and is now working toward her master's degree in nurse-midwifery at UCSF, and I have been working away on a website called that invites musicians to share their music with a Creative Commons license—which allows all the music on the site to be freely available for legal downloading.
We just launched the site last week and we're beginning to get all sorts of feedback and making a ton of improvements all the time. It's so exciting each time somebody signs up and decides to put up a few tracks. Here are a couple of my favorites so far:
The Kitchen Syncopators were recorded on the street in Santa Cruz in 2006 as part of the Streetnote project.
"Carrie Waltz" is an 1854 piece by D. E. Jannon that is now in the public domain. This track was recorded by Lucas Gonze.
And by the by, the good lookin' fella pictured here is our site's namesake, Mr. Adolph Heinrich Joseph Sutro. A good guy to know about in and around SF.
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