There are far too many awesome Frenchie things in this world to count, but let's give it a try any way. Ok, I'll start off with French fries, which might technically be considered Belgian, but have nonetheless withstood a humiliating bout of Congressional cafeteria "Freedom Fries" re-branding, only to now taste even crispier on the outside, meltier on the inside, more scrumptious and with their good name intact.

The kissing of course. Can't forget the Empress of Snogs.

Then there are espadrilles, linen and lace in general, Russian peasant-era Yves Saint-Laurent, and stripey shirts—but we go on enough about stripey shirts at the shop for you to already know all about that awesomeness.

So, then, Anaïs Nin. So
there. And while we're on the subject of French lady-heroes, I'm going to go ahead and come with the Carla Bruni-Sarkozy. I admit, I was into her whole
"I am monogamous from time to time, but I prefer polygamy"/80's supermodel/naughty nouveau Jackie O approach from the beginning. And I'm really into France's First Lady releasing a new song (among a whole album full of pop songs!) in which she refers to her man, the French president, in this manner:
“You are my junk/more deadly than Afghan heroin/more dangerous than Colombian white..../My guy, I roll him up and smoke him.”

And I say that any country that has produced all this necessary gold, not to mention the better portion of Lisa's childhood memories, deserves a solid G & G party treatment. That means that this
Monday, July 14th we'll be hosting
the Bastille Day Celebration this side of the Atlantic,
mon chéri. Due to the obvious need for lots of red wine, it will be an evening affair, beginning around
8 PM. And this time, bonus points/pours will be awarded to revelers in Truffautish eyeliner mustaches.
Also, please feel free to leave a comment about what you consider to be the most awesome bits of France, the French, parties, bonus offerings of red wine....
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