Our latest very, very exciting new item in the shop is a terrific diary/journal guaranteed to last you a full five years. Five years! Can you imagine? Five whole years free from that agonizing journal to journal transfer period. Five years of daily activities and musings logged for all eternity. And a book log. And a map to chart your travels. And a red ribbon bookmark. Mercy, sign me up!
Here's how it works: Each page of this special book, designed by Ms. Tamara Shopsin, represents one day across five years, so that you can look back and revisit what you were doing years ago as you write your new entry. Brilliant, right?
Also, as elegant as it is as is, we've also conspired with Nile's inspired grandma Lala to paint up several of them to offer in the shop. For those of you who have spied and coveted Nile's rose-adorned clogs, now is your chance to own a slice of that grandma love. And Lala want you to know that things are really best when personalized and she would very much like to paint your name/heart's desire on your journal for you. Let us know, and we'll pass on your instructions to her. Thanks Lala!
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