Meet Aaron Of Jiki Jaku

Aaron Kllc has been a long term artistic presence in San Fransisco. An accomplished painter and sculptor driven by a love of 20th century art andlculture. He has traveled extensively and his art work captures both east and west, with the nuances of the west coast mid-century modern movement. He has obtained a BFA from Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) in Providence, Rhode Island. His brand name for his ceramic animals is JIKI JAKU. When asked about his animals Kllc said: “During stressful and challenging times animals show us unconditional love and give people a break from the stresses of every day life. My art brings me back to a childhood curiosity of the natural world and opens my heart to the reality of a loving state where I create and care for my world.”

Where and when did you start your ceramic practice?
It’s a great question and makes me realize that one of my first exciting projects was in the 7th grade. “Town square monument” I called it. It was a fountain-esque sculpture covered with many different animals and floral flourishes. Full circle with the ceramic animals I suppose! I started again about ten years ago in San Francisco.
What made you want to feature animals so much in your work?
I love animals! I guess we are all touched by animals. Their joy, unconditional love, unpretentiousness, and loyalty. I saw people light up and interact with my animal sculptures and that validated what I love doing. When you do what you love it all flows and feel great! Don’t you think?
All of your work is so playful, do you think that reflects the way you are in your daily life?
Oh my God Becky.. like totally! Work is work and a part of life can be a struggle or a push. But, the goal is to let go of resistance and negativity so I can enjoy everything. While working and certainly while playing enjoy yourself as much as possible! Sing and work. Dance and work. Get them cookies baby get them cookies!!!
You're an interior designer by trade, do you think that reflects in your ceramic style?
Most definitely! Interior design introduced me to many great mid-century inspirations such as Alexander Girard, Lucie Rie, Evelyn and Jerome Ackerman, Bruno Gambone, Beatrice Wood just to name a few. My grandfather was a masterful dollhouse maker. That early childhood wonder that he inspired led me to my obsession with furniture, interiors, art, accessories etc. If you look at my more colorful interiors you can see how it all fits together.
Do you have a fun fact about yourself you want to share?
We are currently traveling the world and stopping for long periods in places that inspire us. My art and business are based in the US but I am continuing to work since we will be nomadic for a long time. In the past we would travel and I’d be so excited to get home to use all of the inspiration in my work. Now it's all apart of one continuous flow. We decided we’ve waited too long to live the life we really want to live and so the time is now.
You can shop all Jiki Jaku here.
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