February Full Moon Blessing
The Gravel & Gold Full Moon Blessing was created as moment of ritual and pause in our internal workplace: an opportunity to step outside of our business as usual, look inward for a feeling about the time that has passed and share unselfconsciously with our community. Our hope is that this action encourages others to slow down and reflect as needed to keep moving in a lively and healthful body and mind.
We have invited artist and educator Emily Tareila to collaborate with us on Full Moon Blessings for the duration of 2017.
Emily is in the midst of a moon project of her own called Bright Power - a year-long, participatory project for all of 2017 that uses the upcoming Total Solar Eclipse, August 21st, as a catalyst for thinking about our relationships to ourselves, one another and the planet. The project dedicates days in the new and full moon to slow down, look, listen, talk, cook, and reflect. Emily has created a series of prompts, inspirations and other resources to help guide the participants of Bright Power. You can read about the full scope of Bright Power.
Emily's project really resonates with us. In particular, exploring the moon cycles to recalibrate and reimagine time. Post-election, we have found it difficult to focus and find a clear path for moving forward with impact. Abhorrent policy shifts, and the news and feeds that engage us are moving at what feels like lightning speed. We are astonished, angered, motivated and soon after distracted by the next outrage. It is an incredible amount of information to process and an unprecedented amount of stimulation.
Amongst all this chaos it is a challenge not to feel overwhelmed, depleted and despondent. So! We have to root down and find strength and salience! We welcome this practice that encourages us to at our core move at the ancient pace of the moon and tides rather than run with the erratic blows of our twitter feeds. We think it's good self care and good practice for taking the long and high road.
Read an interview with Emily about her other ongoing moon project: Bright Power
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