Packed House

Lloyd Kahn treated us to a great evening last Friday. After various mechanical malfunctions, and once the projector was working, we then began wondering whether the sun staying all late would keep us down. The house was all packed, folks crowded on the floor and standing up in back, then once Lloyd got down to talking and showing slides, it was magic. He began by telling us how he got started as an authority on dome building and went on to abandoned it, and then he showed us some of the discoveries about builders and structures that he’s made in the forty years since.

There were some real keeper moments, especially when Lloyd responded to a few questions about the kinds of homes he’s seeing being built today. Here’s what he wrote about it:

For me it was a pretty wonderful evening. The store is unique, with eclectic clothing, art, jewelry, crafts, and items you’d never think of until you see them there. Good vibes. The median age in the audience was, I’d say, 30. It’s great to be connecting with this generation. Someone asked what I thought of Dwell magazine. I said I couldn’t figure out who lives in those houses, but there seems to be no warmth or soul (or funk) evident in the Dwell style. Further, that people like us are interested in shelter that is full of life and warmth and the touch of the human hand.

Felt like he set quite a few minds wheeling and fingers twitching. Since then, I’ve been fielding a lot of unsolicited quips from the girls along the lines of “….circular window bed nook on top storage platform….driftwood shakes yellow marine grade paint….land….rectangular buildings like rectangular humans….” and so forth. We’re all looking forward to the new book on tiny houses and homesteads and of course to building our own damn houses. Thanks for the inspiration, Lloyd!

The post Packed House appeared first on Gravel & Gold.

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