Louise Steez

I’ve been chasing down a particular green lately. It’s chalky, difficult to describe, difficult to mix, you know it when you see it–always painted.

Lesley Vance goes in and out with it–a welcome tease. Louise Nevelson gives it all over.

So I went to the bookshop in search of a proper print copy of this totem so that I could tote it around and talk about it with people. Instead I ended up with a beautiful book of her work, Louise Nevelson–Atmospheres and Environments, 1980–though it’s printed in black, white, and metallic gold only. So I’m still out a convenient green, but I’m up some terrific new-to-me images of Louise’s steez, shot by Pedro E. Guerrero.

She, of course, is the be-lashed fairy godmother of a goodly swath of aunties, in terms of her work, yes, and most certainly on account of her incredible costumes. Many very wonderful examples of her distinctive sartorial style are available, including here and especially here (Barbaralee Diamonstein, is a B-I-G fan, and I’m a fan of Barbaralee Diamonstein’s name).

Now on that second video, you will notice a certain vest in effect. And here it is in the book! Debatably even better in black and white.

Always with the lashes, the kerchief, the textile-loving layers. Even–if you look closely–her heavy wool workshirt seems to be lined in a sort of Pierre Deux paisely that matches her head scarf. Most do not look this fantastic in the studio, and certainly not while out bossing around the foundry boys.

Did Koos Van Den Akker come before or after this vest? Blessings to him that made that thing. And below–the pants! Big floral palazzo pants.

Best of all–

The post Louise Steez appeared first on Gravel & Gold.

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