Let Her Dance

Our excitement is building in anticipation of the next big event of the year! Screw 4th of July, I’m gearing up for the 8th as the best summer event yet. Our good friend Dusty Stax is decking out the Verdi Club and throwing a full-fledged 60’s prom!

There will be a tasty sampling of live performances of some of the most bombastic guys and gals in the city, including our very own Em Gift singing Pied Piper by Cookie & The Cupcakes and S.P.C.L.G. by The Society Girls. Also kissing booths, date photos, deep-fried hamburgers and lots o’dancing shall be! Rest assured your dance card will fill up fast.

Oh and pssst… word on the street has it that the color of the summer prom is lavender, so dress sharp, get a date, and buy that ticket here.


The post Let Her Dance appeared first on Gravel & Gold.

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