49ers Never Change

Image via Clunk Bucket

Monday, driving between Fairfax and Olema, I had the great-good fortune to encounter a chain of super rad vintage GMC mobile homes winding  their way down from the coast, wrapping up a long weekend of what I wishfully believed to be some rad vintage GMC mobile home rally action. I was right, and I want in.

It’s always such a pleasure to come across vestiges of proper West Marin style alive and well, even the ass holery I came across in Point Reyes Station:

You can’t really make out those last lines on that pic, which is the best part.  They read: “paid for by the trustafarians and non-occupiers of second and third homes on select mesas, in select valleys”. Grumpy and true-ish, and really,  just another entertainment volleyed from one passive income joker to another. Posted on the recycling bin in the picnic area.

The post 49ers Never Change appeared first on Gravel & Gold.

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