Mother's Day
The Gravel & Gold gals asked their mommas to tell us their favorite items we sell in the shop. Not only does this make our gifting life extra breezy, but it might just help your gifting as well.
3. Wary Meyers Pineapple Tropical Soap
These are almost sold out! For more Volta Pant options check out:
1. Patricia Yenawine Dip Glazed Mug
Paula says: "I appreciate the Yenawine pottery because the surfaces remind me of rock formations I might encounter on a hike in the desert."
2. Mackerel Sky Card by Saturn Press
Paula says: "The Saturn Press season cards are lovely, I'm always looking for an inspiring card for thank you note or other snail-mail communiques."
3. Antlia Scoop T-Shirt in First Falls Print
Paula says: "Re: the Pt. Reyes hammered hoops, I've had 2 pairs, one gold and one silver, and have relied on them for the past few year for all occasions and no occasion. On the rustic to elegant continuum, they occupy the sweet spot."
Michelle says: "The towel is wonderful and humorous, like all the Boob-print items. I love the reversed black and white and the generous size."
3. Museo Purse
Michelle says: "The little bag is simply design perfection."
Michelle says: "These earrings are magnificent -- ancient and contemporary, architectural and bold."
1. Dades Stud Earrings by Takara
Kathy says: "I like the fun shapes!"
2. Point Reyes Gold Circle Studs
Point Reyes Hammered Gold Bangles
Kathy says: "These are both classic and beautiful. Can dress up or down."
Kathy says: "It's so nice to have clean non-toxic candles to burn!"
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