Illustrative Dance Moves, Etc.

The Fleetwood Mac situation that went down the other night was amazing. I ran into so many smiling faces afterward, all saying it was the best show they'd been to in as long as they could remember. I heartily agree and want to offer my thanks to everyone who took part and organized (Marc in that vest) and came out. I've had to dose myself with this song first thing in the morning ever since:

To those who missed it, we got to hear all this: set list Nile was the only participant to leap out on the solo-Stevie, not technically Fleetwood Mac, limb, and I would like to continue leaping now. Leather and Lace. This video features some sweet group lady action at the mic, some very pro slow motion spinning, and a nice bit where Stevie illustrates the lyrics by holding up her lace shawl and demonstrating how she might give it over to a fellow who gave her his leather. There was a lot of illustrative dance moves going on the other night and this video brings back the good times for me.

****UPDATE: Here are some great pics of the big night, courtesy of Ms. Alissa Anderson. You can check out a few more on her Flickr page.**** Fleetwood Mac Tribute Nile at Fleetwood Mac Tribute Night Thanks for sharing, Alissa!

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