Precision Pyramids

Lisa claims she’s got one of these kits that we found on Reference Library on order. Can’t wait to see it come together.

Pyramid Corner Kit

It’s a Precision Pyramid corner kit for her very own home meditation structure.

Deluxe Pyramid

Craig, who has been hand-making these meditation pyramids since 2003, uses the Sacred Number Phi (1.618034) to calculate the precise 51° 49′ slope angle that make up the structures, so that the pyramid in our back yard will have the exact same dimensions as the Great Pyramid of Giza. This has been too long in coming at Camp Cairo. We just need to determine the length of the connecting poles, and then we too can be drawn more swiftly into the Alpha state and also sharpen our household razor blades, as well as our minds.

Upper Middle Joint

It’s unknown to me whether Lisa ordered up one of Craig’s copper capstones as well, though knowing her, she’s probably taken care of it. However, failing that, I’m thinking we could cook up a mean one made of shiny shiny abalone instead.

copper capstone

The post Precision Pyramids appeared first on Gravel & Gold.

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