Builders of the Pac Coast

Lloyd Kahn is a consummate adventurer and publisher, frequently known for his earliest book The Dome Book and his own experiments in building as well as his involvement in The Whole Earth Catalog. Also essential are Shelter (from which Lloyd’s publishing company takes its name) and Homework, a more technical guide.

Builders of the Pacific Coast, however, is the most coveted and frequently referenced of our book trio from Lloyd. Of the three, it is the least practically advisory but it offers the most fantastic images. In it, Lloyd offers up a wonderland view of West Coast free form structures and their wild makers from the California coast up through the Canadian isles. Along the way, Builders provides a deeply feeding experience of presenting what cannot be imagined without proof of existence. Forty-eight totally awe-striking buildings are photographed along with Lloyd’s account of meeting their makers and his travels.

The ladies of G&G are particularly pleased to have encountered this extraordinary human and his work.

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