Man Bling

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Pete Trachy is one of our very most discerning friends/customers/roomies. Never one to withhold his critique, we find that when it comes to liking/not liking new items in the shop, he’s generally right on. He’s especially keen on the classic itemsthe handsome leather things, the timeless canvas bits, the lifetime tools, those kinds of things, you know.

So you can imagine my delight in finding that the insane intergalactic rings we just got in from Andy Lifschutz are his favorite things we’ve ever had in the shop. Favorite as in he really really wants one, favorite as in he immediately began mumbling about how if he just picked up an extra nursing shift at the General he could afford one, favorite as in he feels that they explain a lot about his inside self to the outside world and that by strategically pointing-pointing with one perched on his finger he could really “cut through a lot of the bullshit at dinner parties”. As usual, how right you are, Trachy.

The post Man Bling appeared first on Gravel & Gold.

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