is/was projects

Ian McDonald is a ceramicist, teacher, inspiring sharer, and burgeoning necktie czar who lives here in Noe Valley. One simple fan letter to him opened up the door to carrying his ceramics at the shop. Which then opened the door to carrying his mom’s line of accessories, Tricot Naturelle, using antique textiles. Which in turn played a part in his his current czarship. Ah, door circles.

More on the neckties:
Is/was projects is a small independent venture in handmade neckties. Fabrics range from Japanese textile remnants and dead stock cotton kimono fabrics to batik. All materials are vintage leftovers from larger garments, blankets and decorative pieces, allowing the textile to find new form and purpose. Each tie is unique, hand cut and sewn in San Francisco. Is/was projects is a chance to not only wear a necktie, but an antique textile with both a past and a future in the present.

The post is/was projects appeared first on Gravel & Gold.

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