G&G Goods

We’ve been going at this Gravel & Gold business for over three years, and by now, it seems well enough like a shop to us. Nice things are there, anyone can buy them, you know. We still get plenty of people asking us, “What is this place?” and we really have not come up with a good answer. Start hive vintage fifth generation mill West Marin workshop auntie–at which point our kindly visitors, attempting to clarify, often intercede with, “So what do you make?”

We make the shop, of course!

When actually, from the beginning, it has been our hope to create goods as well as a place to talk about them and sell them and talk about everything else. And yet, there never seemed to enough time or creative energies to go for the goods. Sometimes it feels like we built the house for the family before we met the man, know what I’m sayin’ ladies?

Oh, we have dabbled, we’ve dabbled–vintage textiles to pillows, shirts, belts, some jewelry, some special requests–and we’ve learned so much through trial and from the amazing artists we get to work with about just what we want to make ourselves. Finally, on this, we are clear:

We’re gonna design fabric, it will be hand silk screened, sewn up as clothing, bags, whatever we want, all in San Francisco, and we will sell these wild and simple things at our nebulous space cloud on 21st Street.

And each one will have one of these here child drawing-ish fancy labels! Just don’t think we’re starting a fashion label. For some reason, that word brings shades of reluctance….Though mostly great eagerness!

Now I know that blog pace has been seriously slack of late, but we’re so excited by all this new work. I’d like to commit to sharing a lot more details here on the blog as we go along. Thanks so much for all the support we’ve been receiving, especially to our dear fit party revelers last night. Thanks auntinis!

The post G&G Goods appeared first on Gravel & Gold.

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